AISA / Executive / Join the Exec

Join the Exec

Join the AISA Executive Committee!

AISA is an expert practitioner group of UKCISA and brings together international advice staff within Higher and Further Education institutions, Student Unions, and other education providers to share best practice and generate insight for UKCISA’s national advocacy work.

AISA is looking to recruit 3 new members for the Executive Committee. You should be a current AISA member and you should work for a Higher or Further Education institution, Student Union or education provider which is a current member of UKCISA. Note that priority for 1 position each will be given to members from FE and from Northern Irish institutions as there is currently a lack of representation in these areas on the Executive Committee.

The AISA Executive Committee organises national events for AISA members, co-ordinates regional member meetings/groups, collates feedback from regions, and produces surveys to inform UKVI and UKCISA of members’ views. As a member of the Executive Committee, you would join 1-2 sub-groups which would fit with your interests and skills. Sub-groups can meet monthly or less frequently, depending on the nature of the group. The Executive Committee meet collectively for 1 hour per month. All meetings are online except for 1 meeting per year in person and attendance at in person events where possible.

While we would appreciate applications from colleagues who already have experience of committees or trustee roles, Advisers at any stage of their career are encouraged to apply. Participation in the AISA Executive Committee is a great opportunity to gain experience, increase your professional network and make a difference beyond your own institution. It also looks great on your CV!

The AISA Executive subgroups are:

  • Events and training
  • Regions and Members’ Voice
  • Newsletter and website
  • Secretary, treasurer and recruitment

Appointment is for a term of 3 years with the option to continue for a further 3 years. You are not required to serve out your term if you wish to step down early.

To apply, please complete the application form below. If the number of applications matches or is less than the number of roles, applications will be reviewed by the AISA Executive and suitable candidates appointed. If the number of applications exceeds the number of roles, applications will be circulated to the full AISA membership for a vote.

If you would like to discuss the role before applying please contact the Co-Chairs, Amelia Mansfield ( and Alana Holland (

Deadline: Friday 9 August 2024

Apply here: Join the AISA Exec Application Form